



Restorative chats at Malvern Valley Primary School involve bringing together individuals who may have been involved in a conflict or disagreement to resolve issues, repair harm, and restore relationships. These chats are based on restorative justice principles, which focus on repairing the harm caused by wrongdoing rather than simply punishing the wrongdoer.

At Malvern Valley Primary School, restorative chats could be facilitated by teachers, or trained staff members. The process typically involves several key steps:

  1. Preparation: The facilitator meets with the individuals involved in the conflict separately to prepare them for the restorative chat. This may involve discussing the purpose of the chat, emphasizing the importance of listening and respect, and ensuring that participants feel safe and comfortable.


  2. Opening Circle: The restorative chat begins with an opening circle, where participants come together and establish ground rules for the discussion. This creates a safe and respectful environment for everyone involved.


  3. Sharing Perspectives: Each participant has the opportunity to share their perspective on the conflict, including how they were affected and what they need to move forward. The facilitator ensures that everyone has a chance to speak and encourages active listening.


  4. Understanding Impact: Participants discuss the impact of the conflict on themselves and others. This may involve acknowledging and taking responsibility for their actions, expressing empathy for those who were harmed, and identifying ways to repair the harm.


  5. Agreement and Resolution: Participants work together to come up with a mutually agreeable solution to the conflict. This may involve apologies, restitution, or other actions aimed at repairing harm and restoring relationships.


  6. Closure: The restorative chat concludes with a closing circle, where participants reflect on the process and express gratitude for the opportunity to resolve the conflict peacefully. The facilitator may follow up with participants to ensure that the agreement is being upheld and to provide ongoing support if needed.

Restorative chats at Malvern Valley Primary School not only help resolve conflicts but also teach valuable social and emotional skills, such as communication, empathy, and conflict resolution, which are essential for creating a positive and inclusive school community.