



The School Council is made up of representatives of parents, teachers and the wider community. School Council together with the Principal are responsible for managing the school. Schools are now self-managing and responsible for the decisions made.

Some of the School Council duties include:

  • To offer advice to the Principal regarding general educational requirements of our school community.
  • To generally oversee the maintenance and care of the school buildings and grounds.
  • To ensure all necessary services are maintained.
  • To supervise expenditure of monies derived from levies, voluntary contributions, fund-raising and Government grants.
  • To generally stimulate interest in the school and support the staff.
  • To provide additional equipment and facilities not provided or funded by the Government, to enhance children’s learning opportunities.

School Council is supported by the work of various sub-committees, which include: Finance, Facilities and Grants, Curriculum, Policy and Wellbeing, and Publicity, Marketing and Community..

Elections for the School Council are held in Term 1 every year. The election period and results are notified via the school newsletter. Additionally if you are interested in contributing to any sub-committees please contact the principal or a school council member.

    Current School Councillors

    President: Vicki Christopfilopoulos
    Vice President: Peter Quinn

    Parent Members: Claire Lyons, James Love, Allison Main, Binara Ratnayake, Gurdeesh Kaur and Fiona Beadle

    DET Members: Amy Tinetti, Casey Gould and
    Stephanie Pollard