Community Connections- Parent Participation and Policies

Parent Participation

We have a strong tradition of parent participation at Malvern Valley as we view the education of students as a partnership between home and school. Our families take great pride in being involved not only with our school – but also our local community.

The opportunity to be involved in school activities is available to all parents and is encouraged in a wide variety of situations:-

  • Parents Association
  • Fundraising activities
  • Working bees
  • Canteen
  • Attending education evenings
  • Classroom assistance with Literacy activities.
  • Excursions
  • Assistance with other class activities
  • Sports training, including Active After School activity supervision
  • Perceptual Motor Program
  • School Council
  • School Council Sub – Committees


School Council

The School Council is made up of representatives of parents, teachers and the wider community. School Council together with the Principal are responsible for managing the school. Schools are now self-managing and responsible for the decisions made.

Some of the School Council duties include:

  • To offer advice to the Principal regarding general educational requirements of our school community.
  • To generally oversee the maintenance and care of the school buildings and grounds.
  • To ensure all necessary services are maintained.
  • To supervise expenditure of monies derived from levies, voluntary contributions, fund-raising and Government grants.
  • To generally stimulate interest in the school and support the staff.
  • To provide additional equipment and facilities not provided or funded by the Government, to enhance children’s learning opportunities.

School Council is supported by the work of various sub-committees, which include: Finance, Facilities and Parent Engagement and Promotions.

Elections for the School Council are held in Term 1 every year. The election period and results are notified via the school newsletter. Additionally if you are interested contributing to any sub-committees please contact the principal of a school council member.

Current School Councillors are:

Principal: Mrs Tracy Skiba
President: Mrs Melanie Konstantopoulos
Vice President: Mrs Jodi Williams
Secretary: Mrs Brigitte Chan
Treasurer: Mrs Annita Steniotes


Ms Julie Hart Ms Hannah Jenkins Mr Matt Ware  Ms Sarah Jenkins



DET Members:
Ms Amy Tinetti
Ms Casey Gould
Mr Andrew Brown

Parents’ Association

The Parents Association (PA) is an important part of the Malvern Valley Primary School community. It brings together various elements of the school community – parents, teachers and friends (grandparents, extended family, local community groups, etc.) – to build a sense of community through social events, working as a coordinated group, and contributing to the school through fundraising activities.

The PA provides an opportunity to be involved in a way that suits you. Our intention is for you to become more familiar with the broader school community, get to know other families, make friendships, and get a sense of satisfaction for a job well done.

The PA meets monthly and the scheduled meetings are listed on the Events page of this website.

Current Office Bearers:

President: Chantal McCrae                                                                                                      Vice President: Samantha Moffatt                                                                                          Secretary: TBC
Treasurer: TBC
Up to 10 members of the School Community as General Members.

Outside School Hours Care

Our Philosophy is to provide a quality Outside School Hours Care which is safe and stimulating, and to create an environment that provides children with choices. The program aims:

  • To foster the social, emotional, physical, intellectual development of each child.
  • For the children to develop respect for others, equipment and their environment.
  • To provide high quality care which meets the standards of the National Out of School Hours Care Guidelines
  • To involve parents and staff with appropriate and continuing interaction
  • To provide continuing training of staff

Before Care Program runs from 7.15am – 8.45am – Breakfast provided After Care Program runs from 3.30pm – 6.00pm – Snacks and Fruit provided

We have 3 Pupil Free days. OSHC does not run an OSHC program on these days. More information will be distributed through the school newsletter closer to the time. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL


Our Out of School Hours Care Program has partnered with Team Kids and fully complies with the Childcare licensing and Regulations act. Registration can be made via the TheirCare website


Child Care Benefit System

The Child Care Management System (CCMS) is a national child care system that will bring child care services online. Malvern Valley Primary School OSHC uses the CCMS registered software used to record child, enrolment and attendance information. This is required to be reported to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) via the internet to allow calculation and payment of Child Care Benefit (CCB) fee reductions on behalf of children in our Service. Parents/guardians who register with the Family Assistance Office (FAO) for online services will be able to access an online statement via the View child care details of the online services section of the Centrelink Human Services website This statement will include details of CCB payments and absences.

Parents can register for the online service by calling the FAO on 13 61 50 or online at We have two CRN numbers for Before School Care (BSC) and After School Care (ASC). You may need these once you log into your account.

The CRN numbers are BSC - 406982851L and ASC - 555007805T.

For more information on CCMS, please visit the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations at

Policies & Procedures

The School Policies are statements of the schools aims, general principles and an overview of the arrangements made to achieve them. They are developed and reviewed by the Education & Policies Sub Committee of School Council as needs and circumstances change. The School Policies undergo continual reviews. Parents are invited to draw the attention of the Education & Policy Sub Committee to items of policy needing attention. Copies of all school policies listed in this database below are available in the Policy Folder located at the school office. Those with asterisks are available via the links below.

Policy Database

Anaphylaxis *

Asthma *
Bullying Prevention *
Camps *
Child Safe Standards *
Class Formation *
Criminal Record Checks
Curriculum Framework *
Cyber Safety *
Disabilities *
Drug Education *
Electronic Funds Management
External Providers
First Aid *
Gifts, Benefits & Hospitality
Head Lice *
Hire of Facilities
Homework *
Parent Involvement *
Parent Payments *
Raising Concerns & Complaints *
Senior Sport Allocation
Social Media Guidelines *
Student Engagement & Inclusion *
Sun Smart *
Transition *
Uniform *
Visitors to School *
Volunteers *

Child Safe Standards


Child safety and wellbeing at Malvern Valley Primary School: information for families and the school community

Malvern Valley Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.

Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:

2022 Child Safety And Wellbeing Policy

2022 Child Safety Code Of Conduct

Child Safety Responding And Reporting Obligations Policy And Procedures

Complaints Policy

Student Wellbeing And Engagement Policy

Bullying Prevention Policy

2022 Visitors Policy

2022 Volunteers Policy

Digital Learning Policy

As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Malvern Valley Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback.

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact the school principal.

Lunch Ordering – Friday only

Malvern Valley engages AJ’s Bakery to provide lunch orders on a Friday.

Parents are asked to download the Qkr! app from the appstore or use the website to complete their child’s lunch order via Qkr by 8am on Friday.

School Uniform

School uniform at Malvern Valley Primary School is to be worn at all times (including school excursions). Occasionally, casual dress days are declared (often at the initiative of our students to raise funds for worthy causes.)

Hats are worn from September through to April inclusive.

Please see the below overview of uniform items or consult the Uniform Policy for further information.

Malvern Valley Primary School uniform is available at Spartan. Spartan School World is located at 66 Essex Road, Mount Waverley.  Orders can be placed online at and delivered to the school.

Malvern Valley & Phoenix Park Precinct

We are part of an exciting precinct here in Malvern East which provides learning from birth to 12 years old as well as learning opportunities for teens through to adults.
The Precinct includes: