Special Programs

Outside School Hours Care

Our Philosophy is to provide a quality Outside School Hours Care which is safe and stimulating, and to create an environment that provides children with choices. The program aims:

  • To foster the social, emotional, physical, intellectual development of each child.
  • For the children to develop respect for others, equipment and their environment.
  • To provide high quality care which meets the standards of the National Out of School Hours Care Guidelines
  • To involve parents and staff with appropriate and continuing interaction
  • To provide continuing training of staff

Before Care Program runs from 7.15am – 8.45am – Breakfast provided After Care Program runs from 3.30pm – 6.00pm – Snacks and Fruit provided

We have 3 Pupil Free days. OSHC does not run an OSHC program on these days. More information will be distributed through the school newsletter closer to the time. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL


Our Out of School Hours Care Program has partnered with Team Kids and fully complies with the Childcare licensing and Regulations act. Registration can be made via the TheirCare website


Child Care Benefit System

The Child Care Management System (CCMS) is a national child care system that will bring child care services online. Malvern Valley Primary School OSHC uses the CCMS registered software used to record child, enrolment and attendance information. This is required to be reported to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) via the internet to allow calculation and payment of Child Care Benefit (CCB) fee reductions on behalf of children in our Service. Parents/guardians who register with the Family Assistance Office (FAO) for online services will be able to access an online statement via the View child care details of the online services section of the Centrelink Human Services website www.humanservices.gov.au. This statement will include details of CCB payments and absences.

Parents can register for the online service by calling the FAO on 13 61 50 or online at www.familyassist.gov.au. We have two CRN numbers for Before School Care (BSC) and After School Care (ASC). You may need these once you log into your account.

The CRN numbers are BSC - 406982851L and ASC - 555007805T.

For more information on CCMS, please visit the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations at www.deewr.gov.au.

School Band

Grade 4 to 6 students can choose to be in the Malvern Valley Brass Band which is run in partnership with the City of Stonnington Brass Band. The students get free tuition and hire of instruments. Band members come to the school to teach the students.

Bike Education

Bike Education, which is part of the Road Traffic Safety Program, is offered for all Grade 4 Students at the beginning of the year. The program is a sequenced set of safe and controlled riding activities which are regarded as the minimum necessary to teach children how to ride competently and safely on the roads.

Malvern Valley has received the “Ted Wilson Memorial Bike Education Award” in recognition of our Bike Ed program, our Hands Up (daily riding log) and generally the way we promote students being active travellers.

Active Travel Program: TAG ON

We have a one-of-a-kind Tag On Active Travel program to encourage students to walk or ride to school, or if they can’t get to school without the car, to park in the surrounding streets and walk the rest of the way.

Each student has a RFID Tag in their House colour. As students arrive at school each day, they tag on at a kiosk and use the touch screen to select how they travelled to school – walk, ride, car or public transport. Points are allocated to the students’ House and contribute toward their personal tally which leads to entries in our termly Healthy Choices Raffle and certificates of achievement. Parents receive an email when their child tags on so they know their child has arrived safely.

Most days, we have approximately 60-70% of our students walking or riding to school.

We collect daily data which we enter into the Hands Up program online with the Ride2School program. We also monitor our progress over the year to see how we are making a difference to the environment.

More information about the program can be found by visiting https://www.tagon.net.au or clicking the logo.

Student Leadership

Each year our Grade 6 students participate in a student leadership program. This program has 3 main objectives:

  1. Provide guidance and opportunity for leadership skills to be developed
  2. Develop key leadership skills in a range of contexts.
  3. Provide an understanding of responsibility to themselves, peers, teachers and the school community

Students are broken up into four Portfolios, with two leaders being nominated to lead these portfolios. Each portfolio focuses on a different facet of the school; namely Sustainability, Resources, Communication and Physical Engagement. It is each students’ responsibility within the portfolio to work cooperatively and strategically with a nominated staff member to ensure their responsibilities are met and that they make a positive impact throughout the year.

Junior School Council

A representative group of children from Grade 2 to 6 meet regularly to discuss student-identified matters. These are discussed as appropriate to the school. The Principal leads this group through a formal process of keeping to an agenda, taking minutes and reporting to the student body. Some very valuable contributions have been made by these students to the quality of programs, facilities and events at Malvern Valley.

Lunchtime Programs

During the lunch break, student leaders in 5/6 host a passion club for other students to be involved in. Staff also run clubs for students in areas of passions. Some examples of clubs that are run at lunchtimes include:

  • Chess
  • Coding
  • Robotics
  • Choir
  • Soccer
  • AFL
  • Art

Canteen Garden

The Canteen Garden supplies fresh herbs and produce for our Canteen.

At Malvern Valley we also have our own worm farm that the children look after and compost bin that we deposit all food scraps from our Canteen into.

The garden is looked after by parents and also during our Gardening Club that is run during lunchtime.

House Teams

Each child is allocated to a house when they enrol in the school and families are kept together. House captains are elected each year by their peers and presented with their badge at an assembly early in the year.

The winning house is recognised weekly and at the end of the year a shield is presented.

The four houses are named after the streets that border our school and are:

Abbotsford (Blue)

Ivanhoe (Green)

Quentin (Yellow)

Rob Roy (Red)